
Remarketing Tools


CarBidOne has been developed for car auctions for commercial resellers and buyers.

Customized input masks and file imports ensure fast and easy data entry.
The three CarBidOne remarketing tools:

I.) Auctions

The first option is classic vehicle auctions.
All auctions are set with a starting price and a running time, which are specified individually by you as the seller.
Your registered buyers will be automatically informed via the CarBidOne system if:
  • new auctions have been started,
  • they're the highest bidders,
  • they were outbid and
  • the auction's about to end.

II.) Online overview

In addition to auctions, the online overview provides your buyers with an online list of your vehicle offers with photos and vehicle descriptions. There is no auction for these vehicles. Your buyers will contact you as before.
This variant makes sense if you do not want to conduct auctions, but would like to benefit from the automatic notification of your dealers.
At the same time, you will be relieved of the time involved in the sale, as the buyers now have the opportunity to inform themselves beforehand and can thus refer specifically to specific vehicles.

III.) Fixed price / shop sale

The third variant is an extension of the online overview with the possibility for your dealers to buy the vehicles directly - you can thus offer vehicles at a fixed price just like in a shop sale.
These vehicles are also not auctioned, but the fastest of your registered buyers wins the race.


A number of options and variants are available to you for setting up auctions.


Buy Now

Each vehicle can be assigned a "Buy Now" price. As soon as the first bid reaches the "Buy Now" price, the auction is immediately terminated for this vehicle and it is sold therefore.

Last Minute

For last minute bids, the auction may be extended automatically by a minute. Your bidders have therefore furthermore the chance to buy the desired vehicle at an auction.

Reserve Price

If the highest order is less than the optional reserve price, a loudspeaker symbol signals that the seller will (probably) not sell the vehicle to the highest bidder. The auction surcharge displays "reservation expressed".

Special Auctions

In CarBidOne not only vehicles can be auctioned, but also "special items".
Thus, the auction of already depreciated accessory parts in stock, such as "rim sets" or add-on parts, is also possible. The accessory parts can be in your possession as well as in the possession of one of your customers and can be auctioned on his behalf by you.

Auctions by Customer Order

It is also possible to carry out auctions "on behalf of a customer" (in commission). This enables your commercial buyers to buy cheaper used cars from private sellers at a fair price.
In this way you can offer your customers and partners genuine added value and earn money from vehicle brokerage - without any capital commitment.

Exclusive auctions

These auctions are only in the mandator's version available!
In the mandator's version buyers/bidders of the exclusive group of a mandator can be assigned. Suitable exclusive auctions are visible only for group members, regardless of own mandator's allocation.

Bundle Auctions

By popular request, several vehicles can be brought together in one auction.
Such a bundle can also be used to market unattractive cars with a long standing time.

Quick Auctions

For quick auctions, the duration of the auction is only two hours. All buyers are automatically notified when the auction starts.
This type of auction can be used, for example, to determine the prices of third-party products.
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