
Hosting CarBidOne - Hardware and Software

Each Carbidone system that we host for you in our data center has its own hardware and software substructure and does not come into contact with systems from other customers.

The hardware used is up-to-date and has sufficient reserves of computing power, RAM, hard disk capacity and Internet connection to handle access to the auction system immediately.

As operating system we use a current Linux with long-term support, which we of course regularly maintain and promptly provide with security updates, in order to offer you a maximum of stability and security.

Accesses to the operating system take place only by authorised employees of our enterprise and occur exclusively about a coded Internet connection.
In addition, we intercept irregular accesses to the systems and then block the access if necessary for a certain period of time to avoid abusive attempts.

The operation of your auction system is supervised by us 24/7 to be able to react immediately in case of a disturbance and to allow to you the best possible success. Even in case of a complete failure of our hosters or the server, your data are not lost because of an externally secured backup and can be restored in a short amount of time.

Some technical data related to the hosting / data processing service centre

  • Dedicated resources (CPU and RAM)
  • 99.6% guaranteed minimum availability
  • Fast and secure hardware RAID (RAID 10)
  • Enterprise Hardware from HPE

  • 1 GBit/s network card
  • Redundant, uninterruptible power supply and network connection
  • DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) Protection
  • Snapshots, import and export of images



  • 3 x 10 GBit/s Core Backbone GmbH
  • 2 x 10 GBit/s Level 3 Communications, LLC
  • 2 x 10 GBit/s Hetzner Online GmbH
  • 1 x 10 GBit/s Hurricane Electric (über DE-CIX)
  • 1 x 10 GBit/s DTAG (partial über DE-CIX)
  • 1 x 10 GBit/s Liberty Global (LGI)
  • 1 x 10 GBit/s Anexia

Peering Points:

  • 1 x 10 GBit/s DE-CIX
  • 1 x 10 GBit/s ecix
  • 1 x 1 GBit/s N-IX
The operating system is a current Ubuntu Server LTS system, which is regularly maintained and updated by us.
Updates of the operating system require a restart of the server between 6 and 7 a.m. on Mondays.
Backups of your CarBidOne system are backed up daily on our external backup system in order to be protected in the event of a total failure of the hosters hardware.
The connection to the host systems in the data center is only possible via a secure access and only by our authorized employees:
  • Authentication of the remote peer, no addressing of false targets.
  • Encryption of data transmission, no eavesdropping by unauthorized persons.
  • Data integrity: no manipulation of the transmitted data.

Chat / Ask us!!
Mail: info{@}carbidone.de
Tel: +49 721 5310353

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